Futuring in Aotearoa

Futuring in Aotearoa: Stepping out into the unknown

Stepping out of the box and into the unknown: Illustration by Loo

My name is Yvonne Curtis. Welcome to my inaugural post.  I have been involved in futuring, being inspired, frustrated, delighted and impassioned about the discipline, for over 30 years.  And, sometimes, I feel all of these concurrently, which makes for interesting times!
This stepping out into the unknown is where futuring can really make changes for us as communities and countries, and indeed as a species.  It takes courage and time to allow this process to develop, and I have watched, sometimes with despair, as these processes have been shut down prematurely and a shorter planning cycle from a much narrower base determined the outcomes.
Where the process is allowed to play out, moving naturally, from a wide scan to a more narrow focus and possible actions, possibilities emerge that literally seem to come from “out of the blue”.  Real change!  Constructive momentum!  Creating pivot points in our history!  This is the futuring I celebrate and will continue to share.
This blog then, is for the dreamers, the futurist in all of us who wants to cast their mind into the unknown and come back with something unexpected.  I plan to share examples of this deeper, broader discipline of futuring that I find excites me, and excites others. By bringing on guest bloggers, futuring stories, and examples of futuring where that depth of thinking has been a mainstay of the process.

If you would like to get in touch share your views in the comments area below this post. When you do, please make sure any comments about other individuals are said with kindness. I would be delighted to learn from your perspectives as we step into the future together.

Yvonne Curtis


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