Is There An Objective View Of The Future?
Hi again, Yvonne and Loo here! We've just been reading New Zealand futurist Robert Hickson's Nov 2nd 2020 blog post: "Improve mental models not metaphorical balls" and we think it's a brilliant illustration of the importance of not-knowing and breaking our own frame - ideas we wrote about in our manifesto . Robert's blogpost is a response to an article in Foreign Affairs magazine called "A Better Crystal Ball" , which suggests more powerful methods to predict the future. He writes: "In the magazine Foreign Affairs , Scoblic & Tetlock highlight that the US spends over a trillion dollars a year on national security but is continually being surprised by events. This, they put down to taking the wrong approach in thinking about the future. The tendency (not just in the US) is to extrapolate from (and so plan for) past events, and/or focus too much on some issues, and dismiss others too quickly." The article goes on t...